50th Class Reunion July 2021

This Group Photo was Supplied by Sandy Schumann

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Please Email 50th Reunion Photos to PHS Website Email Address: pipestonehsclassof1971@gmail.com

NOTE: To avoid any errors displaying changed names, using original graduation names of all attendees

If you see any people misnamed please send email to pipestonehsclassof1971@gmail.com

Row 1 (Kneeling) Jean Hoogland, (Standing) Debra Thompson, (Kneeling) Nikki Johannsen, Jana Jensen, Alison Ronning, Sandra Schumann, Sally Curtis

Row 2 Sally Kotval, Linda Fellman, Michael Smith, Sue Markl, Patricia VanderPlaats, Mary Larson, Julie Evans, Julie Will, Carolyn Keyes, Patsy Untiedt, Edna Van Ruler, Rick Erks, Diane Nissen, Debra Schmidt

Row 3, Jeff Huemoller, Tom Houselog, Mark Newgard, Jerry Blankers, Randy Mortensen, George Hicks, Kim Shaffer, Doug Hurd, Dick Swanson, Larry Grootwassink, Gary Lange, Tedd Evans, Joel Erickson, Paul Benz, David Heidebrink, Dave Keller, Jan Hintermeister, Al Anderson, Judy Feyereisen, Cindy Keers, Dale Bostic, Kathy Bostic (Face Hidden in top Photo - Kathy partially visible in Photo Below), Myrna Dressen, Loretta Gilliland, LaVon Merrill

Another Group Photo from Carolyn Keyes Alfus - Click on Photo to Enlarge


Friday July 30th and Saturday July 31st, 2021

Almost Fifty (48) of our classmates joined us for the 50th Reunion at the Hiawatha Lodge located on the old Pageant grounds from 23 towns in Minnesota, as well as attendees from California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin . . . only six classmates came with Pipestone addresses. 

VIDEO of 50th Class Reunion  > Click HERE

JPEG Photos of 50th Class Reunion  > Click HERE

NOTE: You may need to close a Dropbox login window - not needed to view or download video or photos

Michael Smith created a three part four minute video using the photos he took Friday and Saturday. Three parts are Friday night dinner, parade and Saturday night Stonehouse gathering. There is a different sound track on each video section.  The completed video and all the JPEG photos from the reunion are on Dropbox.  Just clicking on the existing Dropbox links above will always get the latest group of photos. 


Please click on link HERE to view the 57 page PDF of PHS 50th Reunion Class book created by Nikki Edwards

At the Friday night July 30th dinner at the Hiawatha Lodge located on the old pageant grounds Dick Swanson read the names of 27 deceased classmates. We had an original  total of 167 classmates at Pipestone.

Please view 57 page PDF class book HERE noting those classmates that have passed away . . . Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers


The 50th Class Reunion Committee was: Randy Mortensen, George Hicks, Tom Houselog, Sally (Kotval) Deters, Sandy Schumann and Nikki (Johannsen) Edwards  - BIG Thanks to ALL of them!

What was so inspiring about this Hiawatha Lodge location is that it is located about 100 feet from where our 162 graduates all received our diplomas on June 3, 1971, over 50 years ago! 

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