PHS Class 0f 1971 Memories

Pipestone Tennis Team Circa 1970 - 1971


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Audio Recordings of Choir and Band from 1970 - 1971

Greetings fellow classmates: working with Dave Gangeness and Nikki Edwards on getting digital copies of all the songs from both the 1971 Choir album "Traces of 71" and also the 1970 - 1971 Senior Band Highlights album and the Band of the Year album for your listening pleasure.

We had a VERY impressive choir and band in 1971 . . . I am totally impressed by the music from both groups. Thinking you will too . . . ENJOY!

Click Image to Enlarge

Pipestone High School Choir "Traces of 71" Album

Dave Gangeness sent me images of his pristine copy of the Mark Records Pipestone High School Choir album called "Traces of 71". This should bring back quite a number of memories for many of you!  As you know, Al Opland also recorded the Senior Band that same year, also produced through Mark Records.  I remember both these albums quite well because my brother-in-law Dennis Hansen printed all the cover sleeves for Mark Records through his printing company called Nicollet Press in Pipestone


The "MOM" Photo at the Mayfair Motel from 1962 . . . Had to Share It!

Our High School Annuals

1968 to 1971

Junior Class Officers: Sally Kotval, Secretary: Steve O'Connor President; Kim Shaffer, Vice President; Cindy Keers Treasurer

Senior Girls Tea

Who is the crazy dude in the middle with the cymbals? :)

Brownie Scouts at Peggy Prinsen's House 1960s

Mystery 1960s Circa Group Photo Summitted by Susan Lange - Is this Dolson Hill Elementary?

Please email names if you know them

PHS Website Email Address:

Pipestone County Grade School Science Fair Winners!

A number of our Class of 1971 Classmates Featured!

Photo courtesy of Nikki Edwards


Head Cheerleaders Julie and Alison

Sally and Susan working on the Smoke Signal with Mr. Marwitz


National Honor Society


Graduation Day Singing - June 3. 1971

King Paul Benz and Queen Julie Evans